2024年 蔵本地区国際交流の夕べを開催しました International Exchange Party 2024

トップ皇冠比分网_皇冠体育投注-【长期稳定直播】らせ2024年 蔵本地区国際交流の夕べを開催しました International Exchange Party 2024

 12月18日(水)、キッチンSAKULA(蔵本キャンパス 蔵本会館1階)で、「2024年 蔵本地区国際交流の夕べ」(大学院医歯薬学研究部主催)を開催しました。この交流会は、母国を遠く離れて徳島に暮らす蔵本地区の留学生が、相互にまた日本人学生や教員とも交流を深め、徳島での楽しい思い出を母国に持ち帰ってもらうことを目的として2005年に始まりました。コロナ禍で2020年からの3年間は開催できず交流も中断しましたが、昨年4年ぶりに再開しました。今年も開催を案内したところ、11カ国(インド、インドネシア、エチオピア、中国、ネパール、バングラデシュ、フィリピン、ベトナム、マレーシア、モンゴル、日本)、 80名が参加しました。
 交流会は、赤池雅史 大学院医歯薬学研究部長の開会の挨拶で始まり、参加者は食事と歓談を楽しみました。食事の合間には、バングラデシュ人留学生で薬学研究科博士後期課程2年のタプ?エス?エム?タフシラル?アラムさんが日本語で「故郷」などを披露、また、医歯薬学研究部/生殖?更年期医療学分野の松浦幸恵先生、高等教育研究センターのチャン?ホアン?ナム先生、医歯薬学研究部/子どもの保健?看護学分野の髙橋久美先生と先生のお子さん達が、アットホームな雰囲気で「ジングルベル」等を披露しました。

 On December 18th, Wednesday, the International Exchange Party 2024 (hereinafter referred to as “party”) hosted by the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences was held at the SAKULA (1st floor of the Kuramoto-kaikan on Kuramoto Campus). This exchange event was started in 2005 with the aim of enabling international students from the Kuramoto area, who live far from their home countries and are now living in Tokushima, to deepen their relationships with each other, as well as with Japanese students and faculty members, and to bring back fond memories of their time in Tokushima to their home countries. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the event could not be held for three years from 2020, and exchanges were suspended, but it resumed last year for the first time in four years. When we called for the event to be held again this year, 80 people from 11 countries (Bangladesh, China, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Japan) participated.
 The party began with an opening address by Professor Akaike Masashi, Dean of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, and participants enjoyed a meal and friendly conversation. During the meal, Mr. Tapu S M Tafsirul Alam, a Bangladeshi international student in his second year of the doctoral program at the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, performed songs such as "Furusato (Hometown)" in Japanese. Then, Assistant Professor Matsuura Yukie from the Department of Reproductive and Menopausal Medicine, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Associate Professor Tran Hoang Nam from the Center for Higher Education Research, and Assistant Professor Takahashi Kumi from the Department of Child Health and Nursing, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and her children performed songs such as "Jingle Bells" in a homely atmosphere.
 Finally, all participants took a commemorative photo and the Party came to a close with fond memories.

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           赤池研究部長のご挨拶                   日本語で「故郷」を歌う
    Opening Remarks by Professor Akaike Masashi,              タプ?エス?エム?タフシラル?アラムさん(右)
    Dean of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences            Tapu S M Tafsirul Alam (right)

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松浦先生(前列左)、チャン?ナム?ホアン先生(前列右)                   交流の様子
髙橋先生(後列右)とお子さん達が「ジングルベル」などを披露         Participants enjoying a meal and chatting
(From the left of the front row) 
Assistant Prof. Matsuura, Associate Prof. Tran Hoang Nam
(From the right of the back row)
Assistant Prof. Takahashi and her children

         Participants take a commemorative photo with Dean Akaike (fifth from the left in the front row)
