[[Important]Guidelines for Student Conduct and Extracurricular Activities

トップ記事[[Important]Guidelines for Student Conduct and Extracurricular Activities

May 27,2020

For All Students

Director and Vice President (Education)
Yasuhiko Kawamura

[Important]Guidelines for Student Conduct and Extracurricular Activities(revised as of May 27)

 The Guidelines indicated above, issued on May 15, 2020, have been revised as detailed below. All students are reminded of their responsibilities as students of Tokushima University and are requested to act accordingly. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
 We will consider our future response while being on alert concerning the status of outbreak, and will announce any revision to the guidelines in due course.

1. Target period: For the time being

2. Safety Precautions

  • (1)About prevention of infections
    Avoid thoroughly the "Three Cs" (Closed spaces, Crowded places, Close-contact settings). Take measures related to health management (temperature measurement etc.)
  • (2)About moving out of the prefecture
     From Monday, June 1 onward, when you travel to areas previously designated as prefectures under specific cautions* due to unavoidable circumstances, notify the educational affairs office of your faculty in advance and without fail.
     If a state of emergency is declared again in the future, and a need to travel to these areas arises, notify the educational affairs office of your faculty in advance and without fail, and stay home for 14 days after returning to Tokushima Prefecture to check your physical conditions.
    * Areas previously designated as prefectures under specific cautions: Hokkaido, Tokyo, Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa
  • (3)About working part-time
     Please refrain from part-time jobs that are considered to be problematic in terms of infection prevention, such as being unable to avoid the "Three Cs" (Closed spaces,Crowded places,Close-contact settings) and being instructed not to wear a mask.
     The Student Support Association has a "student safe" system for financial support of students. It is a system where you can receive a loan of 100,000 yen (maximum) without interest.
  • (4)About meeting people
     Please refrain from participating in welcome parties for new students and drinking parties with multiple people regardless of whether these parties are in restaurants or at home.
  • (5)About overseas travel
     Please refrain from traveling overseas privately. If you return from abroad, you will be required of 14 days of self-isolation and observation of your physical condition.

3. Notes on extracurricular activities

  • (1) Extracurricular activities
     The following rules will apply from June 1 onward.
    ?Indoor activities
     Indoor activities are permitted on condition of thoroughly taking infection prevention measures (e.g., avoid crowded spaces and close-contact settings, wash hands, gargle, and wear face masks), paying due attention to the health of participants, and dividing the participants into groups of the minimum necessary number of people. Do not participate in activities if you have a fever or any other symptoms.
     When engaging in group activities such as music circle activities, keep a sufficient distance between participants, ventilate the rooms from time to time, and take measures (e.g., prohibiting talking during activities) to avoid the Three Cs.
    ?Outdoor activities
     Outdoor activities are permitted on condition of thoroughly taking infection prevention measures (e.g., avoid crowded spaces and close-contact settings, wash hands, gargle, and wear face masks) and paying due attention to the health of participants. Do not participate in activities if you have a fever or any other symptoms.
     Please note that the use of clubrooms and shower rooms is prohibited.
  • (2) About events, etc.
    • ① Events hosted by student groups (regardless of whether they are official or informal)
      From Monday, June 1 onward, students are allowed to hold small events and meetings.*
    • ② Contests and events hosted by other organizations
      From Monday, June 1 onward, students are allowed to participate in small events and meetings, on condition of taking infection prevention measures as necessary.
      If you hold or participate in an event, make sure to fill in an "event/meeting notification" and submit it to the Student Support Section no later than one week prior to the event.
      * Small events and meetings: Indoor events with 100 participants at maximum per event and filling 50% or less of the capacity, and outdoor events with 200 participants at maximum and a sufficient distance secured between participants.
  • (3) About New student recruitment activities and welcome events, etc.
     Activities sponsored by student groups, indoors and outdoors, are prohibited. You may hand out flyers and put up posters outdoors, but you need to contact the Student Support Section if you wish to distribute video material.
     * The "2020 Circle Orientation for New Students on the Web" is being held on the Tokushima University website.
  • (4) Use of facilities for extracurricular activities
     From June 1 onward, you are allowed to use facilities for extracurricular activities (student hall, gymnasium, and extracurricular activities building) on condition of taking infection prevention measures. However, the use of facilities for which it is difficult to take measures to avoid the Three Cs (clubrooms, training rooms, and shower rooms) is prohibited.
  • (5) About rental of equipment
     There is no rental of sports equipment items.

【Inquiries about the content of this page】
?Student Support Section ◇phone:088-656-7086、7287

?Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences Educational Affairs Office ◇phone:088-656-7108
?Faculty of Science and Technology Educational Affairs Office ◇phone:088-656-7315
?Faculty of Bioscience and Bioindustry Educational Affairs Office ◇phone:088-656-8021
?Faculty of Medicine Educational Affairs Office ◇phone:088-633-7982
?Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences Educational Affairs Office ◇phone:088-633-7030
?Faculty of Dentistry Educational Affairs Office ◇phone:088-633-7310
?Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Educational Affairs Office ◇phone:088-633-7247
