



  1. 研究 
    1. 医学?歯学?薬学?栄養学?保健学の統合大学院として,基礎研究及び応用研究の多様な融合を図るとともに,未知の学問領域に絶えず挑戦し,医療が抱える諸課題に応える健康生命科学の進展に貢献する。
    2. 独創的かつ国際的に卓越した研究によって生命現象の真理を探求し,それらの 成果を疾病の予防,治療へ結びつけ,次世代の医療の発展に貢献する。
  2. 教育 
    1. 医学?歯学?薬学?栄養学?保健学領域の多様かつ調和のとれた教育体系の中で育まれてきた知の継承とともに,創造的な精神を育成する。
    2. 横断的かつ全人的な教育により,健康生命科学の皇冠比分网_皇冠体育投注-【长期稳定直播】を次世代へ伝えるとともに,高い倫理性を備え国際的に活躍できる医科学,歯科学,薬科学,栄養生命科学,保健科学の研究者として指導的な役割を担う人材を育成する。
  3. 社会貢献 
    1. 開かれた大学として,国際交流を図ると共に地域社会との連携も強め,健康生命科学研究から得られる知的財産を社会に還元する。
    2. 医学,歯学,薬学,栄養学,保健学領域での国内外における指導的な専門職業人の育成を図り,これらの人材を通して社会に貢献する。

Charter of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Tokushima University Graduate School

 The Institute of Biomedical Sciences , Tokushima University Graduate School was established as an integrated graduate school with multiplicity and fusion of disciplines by integrating the research divisions of medicine, dentistry, pharmacology, nutrition, and health sciences on the common ground of health biosciences.  According to this principle, the Institute pursues its mission of serving the health and welfare of the public through creative research and education of the whole person in life and medicine.

Basic Aims

  1. Research
    1. We aim to fuse basic and clinical research as an integrated graduate school of medicine, dentistry, pharmacology, nutrition, and health sciences to constantly challenge unexplored fields of science, and to contribute to the development of health biosciences.
    2. We aim to pursue truths of life by original and internationally excellent research and to use the results in the prevention and treatment of diseases to contribute to the development of next-generation medical care.
  2. Education
    1. We aim to transfer knowledge cultivated in a multidisciplinary and harmonized educational system encompassing medicine, dentistry, pharmacology, nutrition, and health sciences and to foster creative minds.  
    2. We aim to transfer research results from the fields of biosciences by a trans-disciplinary and whole-person education to the next generation and to train individuals who can play leading roles as researchers of medical, dental, pharmacological, nutritional, and health science fields with high morality and active participation in the international community.
  3. Social Contributions
    1. As an open university, we aim to promote international exchanges, to strengthen cooperation with the local community, and to share with society the scientific properties obtained by our research in health bioscience.  
    2. We aim to train experts who can lead medical, dental, pharmacological, nutritional, and health sciences in Japan and abroad to contribute to society.  